Macro Stories is an ongoing project exploring macrophilia, unaware scenarios, and the hidden world beneath our feet.

Using a mix of original photography, Photoshop, and 3D renders, I create narrative-rich visuals that immerse viewers in life from a tiny perspective. Each piece transforms everyday people into monumental beings, blending storytelling with stunning visuals to celebrate imagination and the beauty of scale.


What is macrophilia?

Macrophilia is a fascination with giants or large beings, focusing on size differences and the dynamics between small and colossal figures. For some, it has a romantic or sexual aspect, while for others, it’s about creative and imaginative exploration.

This interest appears in role-playing, storytelling, and art that depicts interactions with giants or giantesses. In the Macro Stories project, unaware scenarios—where a giant is oblivious to a tiny counterpart—are central. These moments highlight the tension, vulnerability, and awe of navigating a world defined by vast differences in scale, inspiring rich storytelling and visual art.


What’s the process?

As mentioned above, I merge digital tools to create my montages. DAZ Studio enables me to craft 3D renderings of tiny subjects with realistic poses, angles, and shadows.

Photoshop allows me to refine the base photo, ensuring it’s clear, crisp, and color-corrected to achieve the best possible outcome.