CROC (2024)

As Brad’s roommate, Joe, skulked around the vast caverns of his giant’s Crocs, he couldn’t help but marvel at their sheer enormity. What had begun as a simple, curious exploration had quickly morphed into something almost hypnotic. The dark recesses of the Crocs beckoned him forward, each pit marked by the unmistakable indentations left by Brad’s toes. Every ridge, every groove seemed to hold a story, a testament to the sheer weight and presence of his towering roommate. The pungent scent of worn rubber mingled with the faint musk of Brad’s feet, filling the air in thick waves that clung to every breath Joe took.

Brad hadn’t stirred yet this morning; his telltale snores had rumbled from the bedroom before Joe had shrunk himself. It seemed harmless enough to indulge in this little adventure while his giant roommate remained blissfully unaware. Joe knew Brad’s weekend habits all too well. He’d probably sleep in and then head out later, groggy but determined to shake off last night’s exploits. A part of Joe knew he should grow back, call it a morning, and keep this curious little adventure to himself. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet.

The intoxicating power of Brad’s scent held Joe in a daze, keeping him rooted in place as he basked in the sheer, overwhelming scale of everything around him. He wandered further, venturing down into one of the toe imprints, where the rubber walls rose high above his head, as he traced his fingers along the rough surface where Brad’s skin had pressed so many times. He almost felt like he was inside Brad’s footprint, surrounded by the traces of his roommate’s daily life. Even though this entire thing was a secret, a bizarre act he couldn’t even begin to explain to Brad if he got caught, the thrill of being here, right in the heart of his gigantic roommate’s personal space, was hard to deny.

The morning light started to creep in, casting faint rays across the Crocs. A slight anxiety began to prick at him. Brad might be up soon, and as much as he wanted to explore more, Joe knew it was time. He could still feel the lingering heat from Brad’s foot from last night, trapped in the rubber like a ghostly reminder of his roommate’s oblivious power.

Just as Joe turned to make his way back, a loud ring echoed from the bedroom. His stomach dropped. He froze, hearing the groggy “Hello…?” that boomed through the air as his colossal roommate answered his phone from behind the door.

Joe’s pulse quickened. He knew he’d never be able to scramble out of the Croc and grow back to normal size in time; he’d have to rely on Brad staying put. Straining to listen, he held his breath, hoping against hope that his friend wasn’t about to—

“Oh, shit, yeah,” Brad’s deep voice rumbled through the walls, “just give me a moment, I’ll be right out.”

Joe’s heart raced as he felt two powerful thuds vibrate through the floor—Brad was up, getting dressed. Desperate, Joe sprinted toward the back of the Croc, his only hope to escape and hide before Brad’s colossal form closed in. If he even noticed him. But just as he reached the halfway point inside the shoe, the mighty door creaked open, and Brad’s towering figure filled the doorway.

“Hey, Joe, I’m heading out with Dan,” Brad called out, stopping just outside Joe’s room. Hearing no response, he shrugged, assuming Joe was already out. He turned, his eyes falling on his signature Crocs lying by the door, a perfect choice for a quick trip out. Brad’s steps grew closer, the ground trembling beneath Joe as he realized his friend was heading directly toward him.

As Brad’s form loomed high above, Joe tripped, stumbling on the unforgiving rubber of Brad’s Croc just as his roommate’s massive feet settled right outside. Shadows stretched over him as Brad’s foot hovered, the size and weight of it dawning with terrifying clarity. Joe’s heart hammered as he looked up, all pretense gone—he didn’t care if Brad found him out or not; he was not going through this today.

“Brad! Brad! Down here! Look, please!” Joe yelled, his voice straining as he waved his arms frantically. But Brad remained oblivious, his attention elsewhere, and there wasn’t even a flicker of recognition.

Joe’s pleas turned into screams, his voice rising in sheer panic as Brad’s foot lifted and angled toward the Croc. He screamed at the top of his lungs, but it was no use. In an instant, Brad’s rough, immense sole settled down, pressing Joe into the rubber with the full weight of his massive foot, trapping him in place as he prepared for a quick coffee run, utterly unaware of his tiny friend beneath him.